Load Test Plans

A test plan defines the simulated actions of virtual users. Each plan has some metadata such as name and description, as well as a defined set of one or more scenarios. Test plans contain scenarios and scenarios contain steps.

Creating scenarios involves telling LoadStorm the steps a certain type of user will take in the application. For example, one scenario may consists of users that are randomly browsing through pages on the target site, while a second scenario is simulating users that are choosing products for a shopping cart and making a purchase.

The test plan allows you to configure the relative weight for each scenario, so you can load test with a proper percentage of each type of user expected. To continue the example, it may be normal for 80% of the users to be browsing (represented by the first scenario), and 20% of the users are buying (second scenario).

There is no limit to the number of scenarios or steps you can create for a test plan. The screenshot below shows an unsophisticated test plan with three scenarios. Any plan may be copied and modified.

In the screenshot below, the first scenario that reads three pages demonstrates how a starting URL is chosen in the first step. The second and third steps are allowing LoadStorm to search for all links on a page and randomly activate one. A very thorough test of browsing activity can be created this way without needing to script each pathway around the site.

You can run the steps to verify that they are valid, as well as calculating the amount of time each step will take to execute. The data transfer is also captured and displayed to give you a good idea of the load that will be generated in this scenario.

Build Test Scenarios Video Tutorials

Tutorial to add a test plan

Tutorial to add a test scenario, the first step, and new server

Tutorial to utilize a CSV file for submitting different values to form posts (e.g. login or search)

Tutorial to automate a different URL request in a step for each vuser based on an uploaded file of URLs

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