Web Performance News for the Week of January 6, 2014 – LoadStorm

Mobile users are expecting top web performance. Their expectation of mobile equates to their experience on desktop. Bryan Mcquade covered his team’s mobile web (anti-)patterns with the end goal of getting their site to load from 20 seconds to a little over one second. He identifies critical CSS and compares pros and cons of inlining the critical CSS in HTML. This is important because the Critical Rendering Path refers to all the elements the browser requires before painting a web page.

Prioritizing which assets on the CRP is a must for mobile devices. Bryan gives concrete examples of eliminating render-blocking for JavaScript and CSS, prioritizing visible content, delivering only the CSS needed to display the initial viewport, and much more.

Is Your Webpage In Good Shape for Web Performance?

There’s a new website to help users in need of trimming off their page weight for a faster load time. Browserdiet.com is a website providing 25 tips and tricks to help web developers cut off the unnecessary weight and elements that are slowing down their page. This site is great guide for users that need help with web performance.

A number of experts who work on large sites like Google, Twitter, Opera, and many more came to create this definitive front-end performance guide that is fun to read. The tips are accompanied by funny illustrations.

Check out the website at http://www.browserdiet.com

Government Drops Contract With Healthcare.gov Contractor CGI Federal

The Obama administration is parting ways with CGI Federal after the contract ends in February. Due to lack their lack of web performance, replacing CGI Federal will be Accenture to run Healthcare.gov. The contract is estimated to be worth $90 million. Healthcare.gov was down 60 percent of the time in October. Since it was fixed, more than 1 million people have signed up.

Joanne Veto, an Accenture spokeswoman, declined to comment Friday on whatever discussions the company may have had with the government. “Accenture Federal Services is in discussions with clients and prospective clients all the time, but it is not appropriate to discuss new business opportunities we may or may not be pursuing,” Veto said. Read the full story here.

Healthcare.gov in early launch stage.

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