Run Load Tests Archives – LoadStorm

March 10, 2013

We beg our customers to consider iterative load testing cycles that begin with small volumes your web application can handle easily. Then, gradually increase the peak volume in subsequent test cycles until you find the breaking point. Occasionally a test will be terminated early because the target server fails.  There is a STOP TEST button on the page for a running test, and sometimes a customer will press the button because the Error Rate and Response Times indicate a failure condition – there is no need to continue the test. The test didn’t reach the Peak VUsers scheduled. When this happens […]

Read more March 7, 2013

LoadStorm is a distributed application that leverages the power of Amazon Web Services to scale on demand with processing power and bandwidth as needed to test the largest web projects. As you crank up the testing load to 100 or 100,000 virtual users, LoadStorm is automatically adding machines for you (as many as necessary) from Amazon’s server farm to handle the processing. When your tests are done and the extra machines are not needed, they are turned off to wait for another test. The normal processing is for a scenario to be processed as a sequential series of steps that […]

Read more March 7, 2013

If you prefer to pay as you run tests, we offer a “Storm on Demand” option where you can pay for virtual users as needed for $0.0399 each. The Ultimate Flexibility Buy any number of users you want. Use them all in one test or draw upon them when you need them. They never expire. Run longer tests? Simple – the number of users times the number of hours. A 1,000 VUser test for 5 hours costs the same as a one-hour 5,000 VUser test. The following table illustrates the cost of pay-per-test for VUsers in a 60-minute load test. Storm […]

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