MSDN Load Test Blog Dead? – LoadStorm

So I sit here in my office on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and I’m trying to find more good blogs on load & performance testing. Lots of sources, but many of them aren’t posting very often. I’m trying to find a steady stream of good content. Dynatrace seems to really have the best and most active web performance blogging posts.

Then I came across MSDN blogs. Seemed like a great place to find posts about load testing. Ah…here it is, just what I was looking for: VSTS Load Test Team Blog.

Huh? The last post was from September 22?!! How can that be? Today is only September 18. Being the great detective that I am, I looked closer. 2006! Oh my goodness.

That got me to thinking. Why would Microsoft Developer Network’s load testing blog be 4 years dormant? Hmmmm….maybe the VSTS tool isn’t very good for load testing? Maybe nobody is using it? Maybe the MSDN guys all got fired? Maybe the MS Developers don’t care about load testing? Maybe Microsoft’s marketing people shut them down because they weren’t following MS protocols? Maybe they moved the blog to somewhere else?

I did a search on ‘VSTS Load Test blog’, and it looks like the VSTS team has been replaced by a guy named Ed Glas because the #1 result is Ed Glas’s blog on VS load testing. Looks like it is much more active – there is a flurry of posts on August 7, 2010 and on April 12. Not much for consistency, but I guess this is the best MS load testing blog I’ll find. Please let me know if you have other suggestions.

Any source for load testing blogs that you want to share, please feel free to post them here. Even competitors.

Thanks. Going bike riding now.

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