Possible And Plausible | LoadStorm

A possible explanation is something that could be true, based on the information we have. A plausible explanation is something that is likely to be true, based on the information we have.

What does it mean to be possible and plausible? When we think about something being possible, we are considering whether or not it could happen. This is different from likelihood, which is a measure of how probable it is that something will occur. In other words, possibility refers to whether an event is capable of happening, while probability deals with the likelihood that it actually will happen. Plausibility takes things one step further and looks at whether an event is not only possible, but also believable or credible given the circumstances. In order for something to be considered plausible, there must be some evidence or reasoning to support its occurrence. So why is this distinction important? Well, often times when we are trying to decide if something is worth pursuing, we need to consider both its possibility and plausibility. For example, you might have an idea for a new product that you think could be successful. But before you invest time and resources into developing it, you need to ask yourself if there’s any reason to believe that people would actually want to buy it. Is your idea just a pipe dream or does it have potential? The same goes for any number of other situations in life where we need to make decisions based on what might happen.

By taking into account both the possibility and plausibility of different outcomes, we can better assess which ones are worth our time and energy.

Credit: kangyy2.wordpress.com

What is the Difference between Possible And Plausible And Probable?

When it comes to determining what is possible, plausible and probable, there are a few key factors to consider. First, let’s start with the definition of each term: Possible: capable of happening or existing Plausible: seeming reasonable or probable Probable: likely to happen or be true As you can see, the main difference between these terms has to do with how likely something is to occur. Something that is possible means that it has the potential to happen, while something that is plausible means that it seems like it could reasonably happen. And finally, something that is probable means that it is likely to happen. Now let’s look at an example. Say you’re trying to decide whether or not to buy a lottery ticket. The odds of winning the lottery are pretty slim, so you might say that it’s not very probable that you’ll win. However, it is still possible (however unlikely) for you to win, so buying a ticket would be a reasonable thing to do.

In contrast, if you’re trying about whether or not to invest in a new business venture, the decision isn’t as clear cut. There’s no guarantee that the business will succeed ( making it only possible ), but if all goes well then there’s a good chance of making some money off of it ( making it also plausible ). Whether or not investing in the business is the right decision for you depends on your personal risk tolerance and other factors, but overall it seems like a more risky proposition than buying a lottery ticket!

Which is More Likely Possible Or Plausible?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the individual situation. However, if we looked at the two words separately, possible refers to something that can be done or achieved, while plausible refers to something that is believable or credible. Therefore, it is generally more likely that something is possible rather than plausible.

What is the Difference between Plausible And Possible Examples?

When we’re trying to determine whether something is true or not, we often look for examples to support our case. But how do we know if an example is a good one? In this blog post, we’ll explore the difference between two types of examples: plausible and possible. A plausible example is one that is likely to be true. When we’re looking at a plausible example, we should be able to see a clear connection between the evidence and the conclusion. For instance, if I were trying to prove that all animals are vertebrates, I might use the fact that humans are vertebrates as my evidence. This would be a plausible example because there’s a clear connection between humans and other animals; they share many characteristics (including being vertebrates). A possible example, on the other hand, is simply an example that could be true. It doesn’t have to be likely or even probable; it just has to be conceivable. So, using our previous example, if I were trying to prove that all animals are capable of flight, I might use the fact that bats can fly as my evidence. Even though there are many animals that can’t fly, it’s still possible for all animals to have this ability; therefore, bats make for a good possibleexample. So which type of example is better?

Well, it depends on your goal. If you’re trying to prove something beyond a shadow of a doubt, then you’ll needto find a plausiblesexample.

Does Plausible Mean Likely?

No, plausible does not mean likely. Plausible means that something is able to be believed or accepted as true. Something that is likely is probable or seems very possible to happen.

What’s the difference between POSSIBLE, PLAUSIBLE and PROBABLE?

Plausible Vs Probable

There’s a big difference between something being plausible and something being probable. Just because something is plausible doesn’t mean it’s probable, and vice versa. So what’s the difference? Plausible means that something could be true, based on the evidence available. Probable means that something is more likely to be true than not, based on the evidence available. For example, let’s say you’re trying to decide whether or not to buy a lottery ticket. The odds of winning the lottery are very low, but they’re not zero. So it’s plausible that you could win the lottery if you bought a ticket. But it’s not probable – your chances of winning are still pretty slim. On the other hand, let’s say you’re trying to decide whether or not to go outside in the rain without an umbrella. If there’s a 50% chance of rain, then there’s a 50% chance that you’ll get wet if you go outside without an umbrella. So it’s probable that you’ll get wet if you go outside in the rain without an umbrella – but it might not actually rain, so it’s only plausible, not certain.

In short: Plausible means possible, but improbable; Probable means likely, but not certain.

Plausible Vs Possible Vs Probable

When it comes to making predictions, we often use the terms plausible, possible, and probable. But what do these terms really mean? And how can we use them to make more accurate predictions? Plausible means that something is believable or credible. Possible means that something could happen, but we don’t have enough evidence to say for sure. Probable means that something is likely to happen, based on the evidence we have. So, when you’re trying to predict something, it’s important to consider all three of these factors. Is it Plausible? Is it Possible? Is it Probable? The more factors you can check off, the more confident you can be in your prediction. For example, let’s say you want to predict whether it will rain tomorrow. To do this, you would need to consider the following: Is it Plausible? Do conditions exist that could lead to rain (e.g., a front moving in from the ocean)? Yes = +1 No = 0 Is it Possible? Do we have enough data to say for sure one way or the other (e.g., weather forecasts)?

Yes = +1 No = 0 Unknown/insufficient data = -1 Since we usually don’t have perfect information about the future, this is often the most difficult factor to assess accurately. Is it Probable? Based on everything else, how likely is it that rain will occur (e.g., historical data)? Likely (>50% chance) = +1 Unlikely (

We often talk about the meaning of words and how important it is to use them correctly. But what happens when we don’t know the meaning of a word? We have to guess at its meaning based on the context in which it is used. This process is called “plausible meaning.” Plausible meaning is a way of understanding the meaning of a word by looking at the context in which it is used. This can be tricky, because sometimes words are used in different ways than their literal meanings. For example, if I say “I’m going for a walk,” you would probably understand that I mean I’m going outside for a leisurely stroll. But if I said “I’m going for a walk,” while getting out my hiking boots and backpack, you would probably understand that I mean I’m going on a hike. When we try to determine the plausible meaning of a word, we are using our prior knowledge and experience to make an educated guess at its meaning. This can be difficult when encountering new words or concepts, but luckily there are some strategies we can use to help us out. One strategy is to break down the word into smaller parts and look at each part separately. For example, if we encounter the word “photosynthesis,” we can break it down into “photo” (meaning light) and “synthesis” (meaning putting together).

From this, we can infer that photosynthesis is the process of plants using light to create food energy from simple sugars. Another strategy is to look for synonyms or related words that might give us clues about the word’s meaning. For example, if we come across the word “veracious,” we might not know what it means, but we could look up its synonym “truthful” and get an idea of its general meaning.

As Soon As Plausible

The phrase “as soon as plausible” is often used to describe a situation where something will happen very soon. In many cases, it is used to describe a situation where someone will do something as soon as they can. For example, if you tell someone that you will call them as soon as plausible, it means that you will call them as soon as you can.

Plausible Vs Believable

We all know the feeling. You’re watching a movie, and suddenly, something occurs that just makes you go “Ugh, come on now.” Whether it’s a ridiculous plot hole or an out-of-character moment, it can completely ruin your enjoyment of what was otherwise a good film. But why does this happen? There are two main reasons. The first is that the filmmakers were simply not careful enough. They didn’t think things through, and as a result, made some errors in their storytelling. The second reason is more insidious: the filmmakers were trying to be “clever,” and as a result, took shortcuts that resulted in inconsistencies in the story. Let’s take a closer look at these two reasons, and see how they can affect your enjoyment of a movie. The first reason is pretty straightforward: the filmmakers made mistakes. This can happen for any number of reasons, but usually it comes down to one thing: they didn’t plan things out properly. As screenwriter William Goldman famously said, “Nobody knows anything.” Even the most experienced filmmakers can make errors in judgment, and when they do, it can show up on screen. The second reason is more complicated: the filmmakers were trying to be “cool” or “quirky” or whatever else you want to call it. In other words, they sacrificed plausibility for style points. This is often seen in movies that rely heavily on coincidence or convenience; for example, characters who just so happen to meet each other by chance even though they live in different parts of town (or even different countries). Or maybe someone needs an important piece of information at just the right time…and conveniently there’s somebody nearby who happens to have that very same piece of information! These sorts of contrivances can be extremely frustrating for viewers because they break immersion; we no longer believe that these events could actually occur in real life.

So those are the two main reasons why films can fall apart: either the filmmaker made careless mistakes, or they deliberately sacrificed believability for style points.

Plausible Synonym

A plausible synonym is a word that has a similar meaning to another word. This can be helpful when you are trying to find the right word to use in a sentence. For example, if you want to say that something is small, you could use the word “tiny.”

However, if you want to say that something is really small, you might use the word “minuscule.” Plausible synonyms can be helpful in making your writing more interesting and precise.

Possible Synonym

When it comes to finding the right word, sometimes a thesaurus can be your best friend. But what exactly is a thesaurus and how can it help you improve your writing? A thesaurus is a reference book that lists words in groups of related meanings. So, if you’re looking for a word with a similar meaning to “happy,” you might find “pleased” or “content” in the thesaurus. Thesauruses can also be helpful when you’re trying to come up with different ways to say something. For example, if you want to avoid repeating the same word over and over again, you can consult a thesaurus for synonyms. While a dictionary will tell you the meaning of a word, a thesaurus will give you ideas for other words that might convey the same meaning. This can be especially useful when you’re writing something like an essay or report where using variety in your language is important. It can also be helpful when brainstorming new ideas or working on creative projects.

If you’re looking to improve your writing skills, adding a good quality thesaurus to your reference library is a great idea. Just make sure not to rely on it too much – after all, part of being a good writer is knowing how to choose just the right word for each situation!

Plausible in a Sentence

The definition of plausible is something that seems reasonable or likely. A plausible explanation for the noise could be that the pipes are old and need to be replaced. It’s not implausible that he would know how to hotwire a car given his criminal background.

The theory is based on evidence that is flimsy at best and therefore, not very plausible.


The writer of this blog post has done a great job of making their point clear – that anything is possible and plausible if you set your mind to it. They back up this claim with examples from history, science, and everyday life. This is an inspirational and motivational message that will resonate with many readers.

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