When you run a load test, LoadStorm will generate virtual users that simulate real user behaviors (defined in the Scripts you created). Each VUser sends requests like a browser with parallel connections to the targeted Servers with custom “think times” between pages. Responses are timed, throughput is calculated, status codes are captured, content is validated, payloads are measured, and errors are flagged.

You do not need hardware to generate the VUsers because LoadStorm provides all functionality from the cloud. Load engines are automatically instantiated to support hundreds of thousands of concurrent VUsers. Traffic ramp up is supported to easily identify performance failures using specific load measurements such as requests per second, throughput, or concurrent users.

You control the amount of volume per type of user when you configure the test scenario; thus, your test results reflect the accuracy of real traffic patterns. For example, you may want 70% of your users browsing and searching for products, while 20% are adding to shopping cart and abandoning, while 10% are completing checkout with credit cards.

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