Build Test Plans Archives – LoadStorm

March 10, 2013

Professional software testers call them “SUT” or Systems Under Test. That’s your website or web application which needs to be load tested. That’s a SERVER in LoadStorm. Servers are the target domains of your load testing. For instance, “” would be an example of a server. In order to conduct a load test, the target must be a URL where a web site or application resides. We simply call this the “server”, and it should not be confused with a specific piece of hardware. You may create as many test plans as you wish against a particular server.   A […]

Read more March 7, 2013

Our verification process works exactly like Google Analytics. The idea is to prove it is your server so LoadStorm isn’t used for a denial of service attack. For every server referenced in your test plan, LoadStorm will generate a unique verification code that will be used to confirm you control the domain in one of two ways: Filename in root directory Code in home page   Filename in root directory You can put a file with the name generated by LS into your root directory – it doesn’t matter what the file contains. So let’s say your target server is […]

Read more March 7, 2013

One scenario represents one type of user. Put another way, each scenario will click on different pages or submit various forms because that’s how real users behave on your site. It is common for web applications to have some users login and perform advanced functions, while other users are just casually viewing some content anonymously. We recommend that you analyze any data you have currently regarding the types of users and their traffic patterns on your site. Then try to create a test plan that emulates those patterns as closely as possible in order to achieve load testing that demands […]

Read more March 7, 2013

A step in a scenario can be thought of as a single user action. That action may be clicking on a link, logging into your application, going directly to a specific URL, putting a widget in a shopping cart, or entering credit card information. The first step in a scenario should be accessing a URL. Usually this will be the home page of your application because that is where most people start. LoadStorm will parse the HTML returned for the home page, and it will identify all of the referenced resources such as images, CSS, and external Javascript files. It […]

Read more March 7, 2013

Using LoadStorm, you can create a step that will login many test users for your web application. (For more information please visit our Add a Step knowledgebase) This is desirable because it provides a more realistic simulation of real-world activity on your site, and therefore produce performance metrics corresponding to database access, business logic processing, and dynamic page creation associated with personalization. It is possible to re-use the same “John Doe” over and over again in your load test; however, that isn’t always the best practice. Most testers would prefer to use a file of test users that match records […]

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