LoadStorm™ is a set of on-demand web application performance testing tools. These tools are designed from the ground up to simulate large numbers of users for performance testing, which includes: load testing, volume testing, stress testing, endurance testing, soak testing, and scalability testing.

The name LoadStorm implies load testing, but our software is designed to be a tool for developers and testers to find the bottlenecks and improve performance. We create the load, and you use the metrics to conduct performance tuning.

We allow you to create scenarios in which large numbers of concurrent virtual users are generating http requests against your target server. Cloud computing infrastructure allows you to quickly ramp up and down thousands of concurrent users moving through your application performing different tasks.

You only pay for the traffic (usage) above the free amount. LoadStorm does not require a download, nor a license fee, nor a maintenance fee, nor servers in your data center. There is no charge for configuring your tests. Web performance testing couldn’t be simpler or more cost-effective.

Try LoadStorm for free! This is not a trial version. The only limitation is on traffic generated by virtual users.

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