Selenium Core is a software testing tool for website applications. With this test program web developers can test the functionality of their website applications with a variety of browsers and under a variety of conditions simulating the different visitors that can use the web site. Selenium Core runs directly in a browser just like real users and supports different operating systems, Windows, Linux, Mac, and browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Firefox.

One of the best features of Selenium Core is the ability of testing for browser compatibility. Your visitors will use different browsers and it is important for your website to function properly in each one or some of your customers will experience errors.

Along with testing for individual browser compatibility, Selenium Core allows you to verify application functionality and user acceptance. Selenium Core lets you run tests for different user situations where a visitor would be interacting with your website to make sure that your applications function properly in each different scenario.

Selenium Core is an open source program so it is free to use. This is a major advantage over other commercial software testing programs because they can be very expensive. Selenium Core gives you most of the same functionality and features as expensive software testing tools for free.

The disadvantage of being an open source program is that you do not get the support that you would if you purchased a commercial software testing tool. Selenium Core does not have dedicated support from the company if you have problems or need help. Selenium Core also does not come with explicit instructions, troubleshooting tips, and an explanation of features and functionality like commercially available products.

If you have a small budget and enough technical knowledge to run a software testing program without much help Selenium Core may be a good solution for you. Because it is open source you are free to try it and see if it fits your needs without spending any money.

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